Monday 21 June 2010


My name is Harry Pickford, this is the second blog during my media A level course. As i have finished my AS year i am now beginning the A2 work. Over this blog i will produce my research and planning for my own digipack which will consist of a video/trailer, DVD cover a poster and finally a website. As i have only just began this process i do not have a full solid plan for the genre of the film. I have a shortlist of ideas to produce but hopefully during the research and planning i will gain ideas and inspiration from others which are already out there. I certainly feel i want to include a story line which is based around a drama and a real life production evolved around social realism with a thriller plot also invloved.

Here is a basic schedule to shows rough dates of when i will complete certain aspects of the module:

-Complete research by 24th July
-Complete planning by 10th Septemnber
-Complete rough-cut by 20th September
-Complete final-cut by 1st October
-Complete album/poster mock-ups by 15th October
-Final album/poster completed by 31st October
-Ausience feedback by 10th November
-Revisions by 20th November
-Evaluations by 30th Novemner

-First hand-in: 1st December

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