Saturday 26 March 2011

Trailer Commentary Script

- I begin with the green certificate screen stating that the video has been approved for all audience.

I used this to provide a more professional appearance and as this is the first view of the trailer which is seen it automatically gets you in the mood that you are about to preview this.

- I decided upon applying the soundtrack to my film straight from the beginning even before we see any footage from the film itself.

This was done due to research into other professional trailers where I realised it was a good technique to play underneath the introductory scenes.

- As well as this the production screen.

I tried to use an elegant sophisticated font for the production company to show their link between the film and the actual partners. Obviously I had to make it similar to show a realistic view that certain production companies produce similar niche films.

- The first actual scene of footage is of a mysterious character walking around.

At this early stage we are unaware of what the character is doing,
This is what I was trying to achieve by showing the character dressed specifically with her hood up as though she is trying to enclose and hide herself away.

- Not only did I try to create this feel from how she is dressed but also by the effects of the footage.

The black and white was used again to provide a mysterious effect and to show we have no real clue of what is going on,

The reason for me wanting to do this is because I didn’t want to give much away from my trailer as I feel trailers often spoil films and the best parts are often already seen.

- I tried to include as many different camera shots and angles in as possible.

Not only does it make the trailer appear more professional than single slow moving shots but also as the shots are moving around the character often it shows that she is actually being watched although this is not a key component to the trailer it still hints at this.

- Again from research I have seen the early inputs of title screens to show factors such as who is in the film and other associations with the film

As you can see the font used is that replicated in the rest of the products and I have presented this onto a black screen as it hits the audience hard with the contrast of the white writing but still staying in the black and white theme.

- Soundtrack

With many of the shots I have tried to link the camera shots and cuts with the note changes in the music. This shows the clear link between the two and brings the whole trailer together.

- When we see the soundtrack change in tone this is when the trailer becomes divided,

A fade is first used to show the pass of time and within the time it show that something may have clicked that she knows something about where her child may be
The slow motion is used to prepare for the build up of the final scene.

- I tried to incorporate TODOROV’s theory of narrative into my trailer

Towards the mid point of the trailer I provided a recognition that there has been a disruption of the equilibrium which I have shown this when we first realise that the main character’s child is missing and to show her life is spiralling out of control from the stress of loss.
This is shown when the image of the baby is first shown

There is an ‘attempt to repair the disruption’ when the main character is in a changed scene and seen running in slow motion as though she has improved clues of where her child may be.

There is often ‘reinstatement of the equilibrium’ with the use of flashbacks of looking at the picture of the missing child.

Finally the ‘disruption of the equilibrium by some action’ during the final scene where the character ends up in a barn
and someone is seen to be watching her with the final cut of turning around without giving any of the plot away.

- Again to try and provide the professional appearance I included title screens before the final scene has occurred. This prepares the audience for the end specifically showing the rating and the award nominations prior to it.

- Once all of the footage is shown in the trailer it is finished with large letters of the title of the film again in the same appearance to other credits. I also included a credit screen as these are most common in all from all of my research into trailers.

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