Thursday 30 September 2010

Planning - Professioal Trailer Lengths

Shifty 1:49
Adulthood 1:39
Kidulthood 2:05 3:39
Harry Brown 1:59
This is England 2:26
Cass 2:08

These are the time lengths for the current trailers which i have previously researched. As you can see they range from 1 minute 39 seconds to 3:39 and obviously as these trailers are all from professional films then i feel i should follow the way they have advertised their film. I am aiming to complete my trailer between 2-3 minutes. I feel this is the perfect length to create a small snippet of a film and should just be long enough to making the audience want to see more.

Planning - Location Shots

These are a few location shots of where the new film trailer will be set.
As they are close by to my home it will give me plenty of chance to re-edit footage that may not have appeared the way I want them to.

This was one of the main change of location based on this matter. I feel i will be able to produce a much stronger piece from this.

Planning - Soundtrack

I feel that for my film trailer i will be using an instrumental soundtrack with out the use of lyrics.

I specificly looked at the composer Yann Tiersen and have looked at diffent pieces which he has composed. I specificlly like the track 'La Plage'. Also as i am planning on using the setting of a beach i feel this music is ideal as 'la plage' is french for 'the beach'.

Planning - Plot Drafts

Walking along beach variety of shots, female narrating over, shots of feet looking at different
typical british film looks at everyday british lifestyles.
Music plays with beach, then cuts out, goes to back black screen with writing of credit details, character looking at letter? (No speaking)
Then narrator kicks in saying the brief story line (TBC)
writing on typewriter - over shoulder shot showing elements of storyline on screen
Pan shots on cliffs panning around to look at beach

Planning - Genre

The genre of the film is of typical British Drama.

Wednesday 29 September 2010


Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Thursday 23 September 2010

DVD Cover Research - Green Street

This is the DVD cover for the film Green Street which is of a football hooligansim genre which is clearly shown from the cover shown on the left. The cover itself has been converted to greyscale to show the mysterious characters and that they do something wrong and not following the law in the film. Because of this it appeals to many as they want to see this as many of these aevents are present in real life today. Obviously in the film these elemts are exxagerated but still it appeals to a wide audience who are into hooliganism, fighting films. The characters which are shown by a medium close up on their heads appear to be straightbacked and appear to not be moving. This creates a defence line or barrier which shows to us they plan to fight. This links with the caption 'Stand your ground and fight!' which is next shown in the lower image on the cover. The charactersd have all turned to boystrous males who appear to be in a gang/firm which may have just won a fight with another football teams firm. This is shown on the face of one of the characters who appears to have a bloody nose. As i have already said these events are of real life happenings and appeals to many so for this reason are present on the front cover. The only colour on the page comes from the title of the film which is a contrasting red to the background which stands out amongst the other areas.

DVD Cover Research - The Firm

Another film which i am evaluating is also from a period set back from years ago around the 1980's. The cover itself is very simple allthough very affective. The images have been inverted into a cartoonised image and portrayed on a white background to make them stand out. The colours used are all very bright which contrast with the plain white background. Both of these factors look very affective as it stands out among other dvd covers. Although there the only image on the cover is of 7 males small body shots, presented on a plain background you would think it would appear to be plain and boring. But the way the characters are presented by their stance and facial expressions different techniques are brought in which take away the plain film and catch your eye making you want to watch the film.
The characters appear to be in a gang all lined up and looking as though they are walking towards the audience. They all appear to have a swagger about them and also as every one of the characters is holding a weapon it appears to be intimidating which makes you look at the cover. Due to the clothes they are wearing and the formation they are in straightaway tells the audience that its of football gangs and firms and by the way they are dressed you would associate with the 1980's.

DVD Cover Research - This is ENGLAND

This is the DVD cover for the film THIS IS ENGLAND. The main image is a zoomed in version of that present on their poister and it allows us to see the characters much more clearer. The images used is the same of which was used for the poster although this time it has been zoomed in the characters which are most present throughout the film itself. Once again the same font layout as well as the colour scheme has been used which links with the other media types. As well as this the images used again is linked with the rough estate and as you can see in the background is the high rise flats which were a popular faze of that period.
Also another factor to the cover I liked was the way the image had been edited and been made to look like it is actually took from the 1980’s when the film is set. As the film was made in 2006 obviously some form of fade has been used to portray an old camera has been used and I feel this could be a good effect which I could use myself if I wanted to create a film of an event which has taken place many years ago.

DVD Cover Research - Shifty

This is the DVD cover for the low budget hit film Shifty. There is a distinct colour scheme of black and yellow which contrast together and stand out among other covers.
With the title of the film the have used the I in the name shifty to create a line which runs all the way down the page creating a split. To the bottom right of the page is the words 'choose your side' which shows how either side of the line is like to different gangs. This is understood by the way the background characters are dressed to not show their face wearing hoodies and holiding weapons straight away telling the audience that it is a street crime gang film. The two main characters in the film are present at the front of the cover shown directly looking into the camera which appears to be looking straight at the audience. With their facial expressions it appears to be intimidating to the audience which catches your eye and makes you look towards the film. The two characters shown are very stereotypical of drug dealers which is also antoehr factor contributing to what the genre of the film is. Along with this theirs is graffiti used in the background and around the edge of the cover which looks like they are on the street and also sets the scene for what the film is about.

DVD Cover Research - Harry Brown

This is the DVD cover for the film Harry Brown starring Michael Caine. I like this cover as it is only very basic but still is very eyecatching and appealling. The background to the cover is a light white which contrasts to the other images present on the cover. The main character in the film and also who holds the name of the film as his name is the largest image on show. The reason this will have been done is because of his popularity which will raise the profile of the film making more people want to watch the film. As with the rest of the characters present on the cover they have been edited to a greyscale to show dull and myseterious characters.
The only colour on the page comes from the target behind the title of the film. This makes you look directly at this area as it is the brightest on the page which automatically makes you read the title of the film. The way the targets links is due to the gun crime in the film and by showing a target it will create an appeal to people who are into gangster, gun crime, gang films.
As the cover itself is only very basic i feel i could produce this in my own products still making it look affective without looking plain and boring.

DVD Cover Research - Cass

This is the DVD cover for the film CASS which i have chosen due to many elements which i find aesthetically pleasing. Not only this but also i feel this DVD cover could easily be replicated which is a major bonus as i feel i will be unable to provide any images under CGI as i feel it will look unprofessional which is what i am trying to avoid.
The majority of the main characters are on display on the cover for the film and if i produce a cast list as big as this i may choose to locate them onto the front cover with using the main character as the largest image. This way it begins to familiaise the characters with the audience before they have even seen the film.
Another factor to the cover which i like is the background. Faded images to show the time period including news paper headlines along with images of iconic figures appeal to me to show the period that the film is set. As you can see Margaret Thatcher who was the prime minister of the country in the 80's period straight away tells us that the film is bound to be of football hooliganisms of the 80's casuals.

Thursday 9 September 2010

Film Trailer Research - A Boy Called Dad


As i have chosen to use a thriller and a real life story invloved I feel one of the biggest parts of the clip will be down to the soundtrack. It will straight away give a certain feel to the clip which will help me to create the way i want to entise the audience and try to make them want to watch the full film.
By doing this I have decided that I want to use an instrumetal soundtrack as a feel ideas can be imagined from this much eaiser than a soundtrack including words and also I feel it will be hard to relate a song with lyrics to the trailer. For my research I have been revisitng old movies which have used instrumental soundtracks in order to get inspiration.