Thursday 23 September 2010

DVD Cover Research - This is ENGLAND

This is the DVD cover for the film THIS IS ENGLAND. The main image is a zoomed in version of that present on their poister and it allows us to see the characters much more clearer. The images used is the same of which was used for the poster although this time it has been zoomed in the characters which are most present throughout the film itself. Once again the same font layout as well as the colour scheme has been used which links with the other media types. As well as this the images used again is linked with the rough estate and as you can see in the background is the high rise flats which were a popular faze of that period.
Also another factor to the cover I liked was the way the image had been edited and been made to look like it is actually took from the 1980’s when the film is set. As the film was made in 2006 obviously some form of fade has been used to portray an old camera has been used and I feel this could be a good effect which I could use myself if I wanted to create a film of an event which has taken place many years ago.

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