Thursday 23 September 2010

DVD Cover Research - Cass

This is the DVD cover for the film CASS which i have chosen due to many elements which i find aesthetically pleasing. Not only this but also i feel this DVD cover could easily be replicated which is a major bonus as i feel i will be unable to provide any images under CGI as i feel it will look unprofessional which is what i am trying to avoid.
The majority of the main characters are on display on the cover for the film and if i produce a cast list as big as this i may choose to locate them onto the front cover with using the main character as the largest image. This way it begins to familiaise the characters with the audience before they have even seen the film.
Another factor to the cover which i like is the background. Faded images to show the time period including news paper headlines along with images of iconic figures appeal to me to show the period that the film is set. As you can see Margaret Thatcher who was the prime minister of the country in the 80's period straight away tells us that the film is bound to be of football hooliganisms of the 80's casuals.

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