Thursday 21 October 2010

Planning - Change Of Plot

Previously i had thoughts of the trailer being set at a beach local to a place in Scotland that can be easily visited. After development and filming at this location i felt it did not feel right and became limited to the shots that I could perform. From this I have changed both the plot and the location of the trailer. All though a similar story line it will now be produced close to my home.
I will be incorporating a theme of a female who has lost her baby at a young age, yet still alive and is not giving in to losing her. Through the trailer there will be different shots of the main character at slow paces with different variety of angles. In order for the audience to tell what is happening the main character will look at a small picture of a baby at this point we do not know who it is. With the piece of music chosen there is a change in tone and from this I will begin to change the scene of the trailer. I will have the main character running as though she thinks she has clues to the destination of her missing child. The final scene will end at the location of a barn where the door will slowly open fading out to a blank screen.

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