Pinnacle Studios has been the programme which I have used to edit my film trailer. I have found no problems with the use of this software which has made it very easy for me to create the trailer which I have originally intended. The positives with Pinnacle firstly is its ease of use, I could easily upload my footage from my camera directly in to enable the editing to begin. The footage which is captured becomes sub divided into specific take categories. It then made it much easier to drag and drop the specific clip that i wanted. Once in I was able to change the length of the clip, the speed that I wanted it at, the music to be played in the background, the visual effects of the image and also the way it appeared through different fading techniques. The programme works with layers and the layout makes it easy to complete all of these different areas. Also as I had previously chosen a specific font I was able to upload this and use within the software. This made it much easier for me to provide a more professional looking trailer as I could make the fonts appear when I wanted them to rather than as a set picture.
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